Friday 15 April 2011


My idea for my trailer originally came from the research that I did. For example, I watched and analysed three different soap trailers in order to get an understanding about how trailers are created and what they are used for. The Hollyoaks trailer that I evaluated was particularly useful to my ideas because it highlighted the same target audience that I was planning to target with my own trailer. This was imnportant because it essentially highlighted the conventions that I would need to follow in order to create an effective and contemporary product that would attract a target audience of both male and females aged between 14 and 20. The main reason why I chose this target audience in the first place was because I believe that as I am also of this age, I would have more of an understanding of the needs and expectations of this particular group and would therefore be able to attract them easier.

I believe my final products are successful because they follow the basic conventions of a soap trailer, magazine and poster. For example, revolving the location around the family home in order to create a more realistic setting, and emphasizing one major up and coming storyline. I also believe that I have represented my target audience well through the use of bright colours, large font and informal language on the ancillary tasks, and through the use of characters of a similar age to my target audience throughout the trailer. This is important because as I found out from my questionnaire evaluation, the audience feel as though they can relate to a character if they are of a similar age to themselves.

Although I am pleased with my final products, I did encounter a few problems. For example, timing was a huge problem throughout the assignment as I found it difficult to get all characters together to film the group shots at the same time. This was due to actors work or study commitments. Also, I have never created my own blog before and so I had to start from scratch and teach myself the basic skills in order to be able to publish my work. However, this has helped me to gain and develop valuable skills that I can use later on in life through both work and study. I also developed my editing and particularly moving image skills as at the beginning of this task I was lacking in experience with this particular form of media. However, after lots of practice in the editing suite and with the camcorder, I now feel that I have come a long way since the beginning of this task and feel much more confident with the idea of using blogs to communicate and promote work, and to work with moving image.

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