Friday 15 April 2011


MAIN IMAGE; Bright and colourful image catches the target audience’s attention, particularly the continuous use of the colour pink within the set is important because this would attract the target audience of a traditional soap - which is usually female - as it is a particularly feminine colour. The very controlled poses and structure of the image indicate that this is not a still from the soap, but that the image has been taken specifically for advertising purposes. Also, the use of these two particular characters indicates a big storyline revolving around only these two characters-the conflict triangle will be associated mainly around these two characters. The use of artificial lighting in the image emphasizes the “good guy/bad guy” approach, with the lighting heavily focused on the female character, showing her to be the good character, and the male to be the bad guy because he is cast in shadow. The mise en scene further highlights this with the use of costume- the female is in light and colourful clothing, while the male is in a dark suit, forming a strong contrast between the two.

Slogan; This gives a little away about the storyline, persuading the target audience to tune in in order to find out more because they are left almost on a cliff-hanger. The use of small font indicates that the image is more important in attracting the audience. This is probably because soap audiences often tune in most nights and are therefore already aware of the character’s/possible storylines-this poster has been created purely to inform viewers that this conflict is coming to a close, and it will be a major storyline-it is used to grab as much of an audience as possible and boost ratings.

Logo/website; The fact that this font is larger and bolder than the font above is important because it indicates that it has slightly more relevance in attracting the audience. It tells the audience which soap is being advertised, and the short, snappy sentence will keep it in their head and help them to remember it, particularly if they see it advertised a lot as this will make them remember that there is a big storyline coming up, therefore making them more likely to tune in. This slogan is what every single viewer will associate with this particular soap. The use of the website adds a little more information, the viewer may feel that more information on this storyline will be given on the website and therefore may be more likely to look at it, which would create more hits for the website.

SPONSER LOGO; Sponsors pay to have their brand advertised whenever the soap is shown to attract more customers- use of synergy/convergence.

LOGO; This logo is extremely identifiable, as most people would recognise it straight away. It not only advertises the channel that the soap can be viewed on, but further advertises the soap. Also the viewer may be tempted to see what other programmes are being screened on this channel. The bright colour also catches attention.

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